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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.09

We stopped by Juuroku Shrine to see the changing ceremony of ropes which are used for the consecration of precinct, and it is done annually by the neighbors. We couldn't make it in time for the actual rope making, however got to see placing them throughout the area. Then after the ceremony, we were invited to have lunch together. It was another great experience of the local traditional event of Kurate.
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.08

蔓を目印に掘る場所を決め、芋の埋っているポイント手前を専用の道具を使い掘り下げていきます。三宅さんによるご指導のもと、地道に掘る...ひたすら掘る。 芋の伸びる方向を予測しながら、傷を付けたり割らない様に慎重に掘り続けました。
While the rain stopped, we went to dig out some wild "Jinennjyo" Japanese yams.
The first step is to follow the vine to locate the yam which is berried under ground. Once we found an ideal location by Mr. Miyake's instruction, we started to dig.., and dig. Since we had to be careful not to damage or break the yam, the digging was a very sensitive process.

As we continued to dig until our hands could not reach down to the bottom of the hole, we asked Mr. Tamura for his help. Mr. Tamuta has dug out a "Guinness" size yam before which was featured by several newspapers! In order for us to get more depth, we started to dig another hole in front of the original one. Then, we continued digging until we saw the tip of yam.
Thank you so much to Mr. Tamura, and our first attempt was safely accomplished!!!

And, it was the tasting time〜♬
The freshly dug out yam was grated, and it's stickiness was so strong which was totally different from what we had tried before. The rich smell and the taste of this wild "Jinennjyo" Japanese yam was so great!!!
Thank you very much for another wonderful experience.
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.03

Today, after we were invited for Mrs. Shimatate's home made pizza for lunch, we continued to join them for making some dried persimmons. We tried all the steps (we got about 80 of them) It was so much fun〜♬

We can't wait to try them〜♬
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.01

講演には、福岡朝鮮歌舞団の団長をされている金 妙穂さんと歌手活動をされている金 潤基さんがいらして、在日コリアンとして生活する中で経験された偏見や差別についてお話いただきました。
This morning, there were an informal social gathering of the human rights at Tsurugikita elementary school. Ms. Myo Su Kim who is a leader of "Fukuoka Chousenn Kamudann" and a singer, Mr. Yum Gi Kim to share about the prejudices and discriminations toward the Koreans in Japan which they experienced as they have grown up.

"Fukuoka Chousenn Kamudann" is organized by the 3rd. and 4th. generations of Koreans in Japan. They are Inheriting the traditional songs and dances of Korean Peninsula, and contributing to the friendly relations through their performances!

After the gathering, with the help of Nougata Human Rights Protection Commotion, we launched balloons with the seeds of sunflower which the students planted this year.
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.29

We had another fun day, yesterday〜♬ We visited Mr. Shimatate's house! There are hand built bamboo slide and huge swing off of a tree which make everyone feels like a child again!!! (If you are child, they will make you not want to grow up!!!)

それから車で出かけ、水巻町のコスモス畑と芦屋で開催中の「あしや砂像展2015」を見に行きました〜♬ 日差しが気持ち良い午後、どちらのイベントも大満喫してきました!!!
Then, we drove to the cosmos flower field in Mizumaki Town and also to see "Ashiya Sand Craft Exhibition 2015" The weather was so nice with the Sun, and we had great time at the both events!!!

This event started in 1995, and the sand sculptors were invited from all over the world every year, and we got to see their amazing pieces.

As we returned to Kurate, we stopped at Mr. Hidaka's house. There was a beautiful view of Kurate from his back yard (back mountain!)

Mr. Hidaka grow his own gourds in his garden, and take them into the process to have them ready for his art work. He uses various tools to engrave different delicate designs, and turn them into beautiful lamps.

They were all so so beautiful!!!