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yesterdays once more〜♬
カテゴリ:気づき 更新日:2015.12.24
The two months of Trial Stay is coming to an end as we are spending our last night in Kurate.
We enjoyed every person we met and every experience we had with them. The day we arrived seems a long time ago, but yet, 2 months have past so quickly.
We found so many charms of Kurate by spending time with the local people. Those charms are not to satisfy the urban standards, but to offer what can not be found in the city lives.
Thank you very much to everyone from the Town Office, our lovely neighbors and all the others who we got to spend time in Kurate.
We love you, Takuma & Keiko
カテゴリ:気づき 更新日:2015.11.15
"To live somewhere with the nature" was our random motivation which brought us to this trial program in Kurate. It has already been a month.
Our stay has been so wonderful as you can see through our previous postings. This is all because of the warm welcomes and endless cares of people around us. We can not appreciate enough...
Our random longing of living in the nature is becoming reality day by day, and we have been learning so much through various experiences.
The severity and richness of living in the nature bring back the natural "Living Power" within us. This is the biggest and precious discovery!
Every single "Power" of the local people and the days that we spend helping one another is the biggest charm of Kurate Town.
カテゴリ:気づき 更新日:2015.11.05
しかし昔から変わらない事が不便に感じてしまったら、ここの豊かさにはおそらく気づけないなぁ... なんて思ってみたり。
YES, it is definitely inconvenient here compare to the city. However, if I feel that because of the unchanged traditional way of living, I would never discover it's richness... Just a thought.
カテゴリ:気づき 更新日:2015.11.02
Things that would make us warm inside which we have forgotten in the urban life. They have been here... way way longer than us, giving us comfort. They are here in KURATE, and we are feeling more and more...
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