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カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.12.17
本日は「ちょっくら ふれ旅」のプログラム「オリジナルたまごパック作り体験」に参加させていただくため、鞍手町インターのすぐそばにある野上養鶏場へおじゃましました。
Today, we joined "Cyokkura Furetabi." We went to Nogami Chicken Farm to design an original egg carton. The market next to the farm sales the birth fresh eggs, original soy sauce and local fruits and veggies.
We draw on the paper carton, and packed the fresh eggs at the end and a selfie with Mr. Mataki. Thank you〜♬
パック作りの後は、直売所裏にあるミニ動物園でヤギやウサギと触れ合い、癒しのひと時でした〜 動物たちとの記念撮影やベンチでゆっくりお昼も良いですね! そしてこちらには、阿蘇牛乳と味宝卵をたっぷりと使った「味宝卵プリン」がいただけるオシャレなカフェもありますよ〜♬
After making the original carton, we went to the mini zoo behind the market. We had fun with goats and rabbits. This is perfect spot to take some photos with the animals, and to have a lunch on the sunny day. They also have a cafe, and you can try the original hand made pudding〜♬
カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.27
渋滞も無く思ったより早く到着したので、まずは直売エリアをじっくりと。刺身や干物やみりん漬け、たくさんの魚介が並んでました。そしてほぼ開店と同時に、さっそく「おふくろ食堂 はまゆう」へ。できたてのお惣菜を取り、少し早めの昼食をいただきました。お刺身や焼き魚、美味しかったです〜♬
We went to "Michinoeki Munakata" this morning. It was only 40 mins. away from Kurate, and it was perfect for a short trip on a nice sunny day.
There was no traffic on our way, so we arrived quicker than we expected. We checked all the local seafoods in the market area. Then, as soon as the restaurant opened, we had an early lunch. Sashimi and grilled fishes were sooo good〜♬
After the lunch, we stopped by Munakata Shrine. Probably for the sudden drop of temperature, there were very few visitors, so we got to have quiet time at the precinct before we drove back to Kurate.
カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.22
Today, we went to The Air Show 2015 at Ashiya Base. It was our first air show, and we were able to get close to so many air crafts. We had a lot of fun.
The flying exhibitions were the best part of show/performances. Especially the acrobatic performance by Blue Impulse was so amazing!!!
We met up with Mr. & Mrs. Hidaka who also were at the show and we had chance to meet Mr. & Mrs. Yamamoto who are traveling all over the world on their Harley Davidson. We have seen them on one of the tv program which they have featured on, so it was a great surprise to run into them! Mr. Yamamoto let me put on his riders jacket〜♬
そして最後に、ブルーインパルスのワッペンを購入〜♬ We got a "Blue Impuls" patch at the end〜♬
カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.12
We went for a drive today with Mr. and Mrs. Funatsu & Mr. and Mrs. Tou toward Hiko Mountain and also "Kakashi World in Yamakuni"
First stop is at "Michinoeki-OotouSakurakaidou"
We checked the "Million Dollar" Toilet, too!
Then, we took a break at Fukutarou Soeda Factory. We tried many samples of different flavored Menbei. This factory was build after an abolished high school.
Right before noon, we arrived at "Michinoeki-KannyuusyaHikosan" After checking all the local products, we had the Lunch Buffet!
After we satisfied our appetites, we headed to Hiko Mountain. Driving up for 20 mins., we finally arrived at the bottom of Hiko Shrine. Here we goooo!!!
We only went up the half way this time, but it was very beautiful!!!
Mr.& Mrs. Tou / Mr.& Mrs. Funatsu
After Hiko Shrine, we went to see “Kakashi World in Yamakuni”
So many Kakashi (scarecrow) were placed on rice fields to display different scenes. All Kakashi looked as the real humans. We joined them in the scenes, too!
On our way home, we stopped by Takasumi Shrine.
We had a wonderful day together. Thank you very much~♪
カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.01
In the afternoon, we have stopped by "KURATE Gakien" This event happens at the Junior Highschool which was closed down early this year. During this event, whole school facility becomes one huge open space. Any spot becomes a studio/location for your photoshoots!!!
This was an innovative event, and even more exciting things will happen at KURATE Gakuen for sure!!!
In "Kurasuta" you can shoot with the projected digital image/footage as a background!
Stay tuned for the up coming events!!!