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カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.27

渋滞も無く思ったより早く到着したので、まずは直売エリアをじっくりと。刺身や干物やみりん漬け、たくさんの魚介が並んでました。そしてほぼ開店と同時に、さっそく「おふくろ食堂 はまゆう」へ。できたてのお惣菜を取り、少し早めの昼食をいただきました。お刺身や焼き魚、美味しかったです〜♬
We went to "Michinoeki Munakata" this morning. It was only 40 mins. away from Kurate, and it was perfect for a short trip on a nice sunny day.
There was no traffic on our way, so we arrived quicker than we expected. We checked all the local seafoods in the market area. Then, as soon as the restaurant opened, we had an early lunch. Sashimi and grilled fishes were sooo good〜♬

After the lunch, we stopped by Munakata Shrine. Probably for the sudden drop of temperature, there were very few visitors, so we got to have quiet time at the precinct before we drove back to Kurate.