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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.12.18

明るく子どもらしく、のびのびと成長しているみんなから、たくさんの元気をいただきました〜♬ 次は全員で写真撮ろうね!
We received a surprise present from the students of Muroki Elementary School. They were so sweet to us from the first time, and we got so much love and happy energy from everyone〜♬
Thank you very much to our new friends!!!
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.12.13

皆さんとワイワイ、大きなひとつの家族のように楽しく過ごし、とても幸せな会となりました〜♬ 私たちの体験の日々をご近所で支えてくださる皆さんひとりひとりには、愛と感謝でいっぱいです。
We have done so much here in Kurate, yet, the time have passed by so fast as our stay started to counting down toward the end. The neighbors gathered again for us to celebrate our visit and our relationship we have built together. We enjoyed our time today as one big family〜♬ We are so grateful for everyone's unconditional support and we are filled with so much love! Thank you very much.
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.12.11

Mr. & Mrs. Funatsu invited us to make some Hakusai cabbage pickles. We began from harvesting 20kg. of Hakusai from their field. Then, we cut all the Hakusai into 4 pieces. We found some cut warms between the leaves, but this showed how safely these vegetables were grown! After we finished cutting everything, place them in a bucket in layers with sprinkling a handful of salt in between. (The salt is 3% of Hakusai's total weight) At the end, we put the weights on top, and the first step is done. See you in a few days.

After 2 days, the amount of Hakusai went down to a half by pressed out their juice. We gently squeezed them one by one, them put them back into the emptied bucket in layers again. This time, we sprinkled dried red pepper, dried kelp, Yuzu peels and dried apple peels. Adding some apple peels gives an extra flavor and sweetness! The scent of Yuzu was so nice, too, and we can not wait to tast them〜♬
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.28

The relay road race at Muroki elementary school was postponed due to the rain, but the annual event of Rice Cake making was held at the school as it was originally planned. The parents and lots of other neighbors of Muroki have joined the event, and it's preparation was done by many of them from an early morning.

次々と蒸し上がるもち米を、みんなで力を合わせてつきました〜♬ ちぎって丸める作業もご婦人方に教えていただきながら、大根おろしやきな粉のお餅ができあがりました! つきたてのお餅をいただきながらみなさんとお話もでき、とても楽しい餅つき大会でした。ありがとうございました。
The steamed sticky rice was pounded quickly by all the students, and then they were separated into individual pieces to prepare different flavors. The freshly pounded rice cake was very hot and sticky to handle, however the kids did a great job with the help of local Mmes. We had great time talking to many locals of Muroki with the fresh home made Mochi (rice cake).
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.25

The rain stopped in the afternoon, and Mr. & Mrs. Funatsu invited us to make some Moch (rice cake). They tough us through every process from steaming the sticky rice to hand rolling into the individual pieces.
This is one of the Japanese tradition, but we don't see much in the big city anymore. This was another great experience in Kurate. There will be few more opportunities towards the end of year, so we are confident to be an additional hands!!!

大根おろしやきな粉、ヨモギ餅やあんこ入り。沢山の種類を作らせていただきました。つきたてのお餅は、本当に美味しかったです〜♬ ありがとうございました。
We made many flavors with grated Daikon radish, Kinako, wormwood and Anko (sweet red bean paste). The freshly made Mochi was so good〜♬ Thank you so much!!!