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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.28
The relay road race at Muroki elementary school was postponed due to the rain, but the annual event of Rice Cake making was held at the school as it was originally planned. The parents and lots of other neighbors of Muroki have joined the event, and it's preparation was done by many of them from an early morning.
次々と蒸し上がるもち米を、みんなで力を合わせてつきました〜♬ ちぎって丸める作業もご婦人方に教えていただきながら、大根おろしやきな粉のお餅ができあがりました! つきたてのお餅をいただきながらみなさんとお話もでき、とても楽しい餅つき大会でした。ありがとうございました。
The steamed sticky rice was pounded quickly by all the students, and then they were separated into individual pieces to prepare different flavors. The freshly pounded rice cake was very hot and sticky to handle, however the kids did a great job with the help of local Mmes. We had great time talking to many locals of Muroki with the fresh home made Mochi (rice cake).