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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.25
The rain stopped in the afternoon, and Mr. & Mrs. Funatsu invited us to make some Moch (rice cake). They tough us through every process from steaming the sticky rice to hand rolling into the individual pieces.
This is one of the Japanese tradition, but we don't see much in the big city anymore. This was another great experience in Kurate. There will be few more opportunities towards the end of year, so we are confident to be an additional hands!!!
大根おろしやきな粉、ヨモギ餅やあんこ入り。沢山の種類を作らせていただきました。つきたてのお餅は、本当に美味しかったです〜♬ ありがとうございました。
We made many flavors with grated Daikon radish, Kinako, wormwood and Anko (sweet red bean paste). The freshly made Mochi was so good〜♬ Thank you so much!!!