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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.21

本日の午後は、ご近所の方々により茶話会(歓迎BBQ会)を開いていただきました!ご近所で育てられた白茄子、ハコ豆、サンチュ など... そしてさらには近隣で獲れたイノシシのお肉まで用意していただき、みなさんとワイワイ、バーベキューをしながらとても楽しいひとときを過ごさせていただきました〜♬
Today, We had a BBQ with our neighbors. There were many local vegetables (which we have never seen) and also some fresh wild bore meat to grill!!! It was a great chance to meet everyone, and to introduce ourselves in a perfect oppertunity!!!

Everyone had a good time together!!!

Everyone has been so welcoming to us. Thank you very much, and we are looking forward to spending more time with you all!!!
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.18

本日は朝から嶋立さんと近所の畑へ枝豆の収穫に行きました。人生初の畑作業... 我々の収穫量は、嶋立さんの半分にも及ばなかった(笑)
We were out on the Edamame field this morning with Mr. Shimatate. We thought we did a pretty good job, but our amount wasn't even a half of what Mr. Shimatate harvested...

At the end, we shared them with our neighbors, but we still brought so much home!
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.18

枝豆の収穫から、なんと柿まで "もぎ" に行っちゃいました。沢山取れて、おつまみに続きデザートまで〜いただきました!
Not only Edamame, but we came to get some (well... a lot!!!) persimmons, too!!!
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.17

We went to Jyuuroku Shrine to see the "Mutsudakekagura" performance. It was so amazing to see not only the powerful performances, but also to experience that such heritage has been passed on to the local young generations!

また長谷観音では、今年で5回目となる「キャンドルナイトくらてIN長谷観音」が開催され、3千個のキャンドルで辺りはとても幻想的な空間になっていました〜♬ 今夜は特別に、十一面観音立像も拝見させていただけ、とても素敵な体験となりました。
We then headed to Hasekannon to see "The Canddle Night Kurate in Hasekannon" The mountain was lit up by 3,000 canddle lights, and everyone had such a sacred night!


At the end of the night, we went see the Parade of Kizukitsurugi Shrine... This event happens only every four years, and it was such a privilege to see it in person!

本日多くの行事へご一緒していただいた、嶋立さん、いつも地域の方々と精力的に様々な活動をされている、とてもパワフルかつ暖か〜い方! ありがとうございました。そして明日の枝豆取りも楽しみにしていまーす!!!
We would like to thank Mr. Simatate for taking us to all these events today! He is so passionate for bringing smiles to the local people!!!