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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.21

本日の午後は、ご近所の方々により茶話会(歓迎BBQ会)を開いていただきました!ご近所で育てられた白茄子、ハコ豆、サンチュ など... そしてさらには近隣で獲れたイノシシのお肉まで用意していただき、みなさんとワイワイ、バーベキューをしながらとても楽しいひとときを過ごさせていただきました〜♬
Today, We had a BBQ with our neighbors. There were many local vegetables (which we have never seen) and also some fresh wild bore meat to grill!!! It was a great chance to meet everyone, and to introduce ourselves in a perfect oppertunity!!!

Everyone had a good time together!!!

Everyone has been so welcoming to us. Thank you very much, and we are looking forward to spending more time with you all!!!