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カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.11.01

講演には、福岡朝鮮歌舞団の団長をされている金 妙穂さんと歌手活動をされている金 潤基さんがいらして、在日コリアンとして生活する中で経験された偏見や差別についてお話いただきました。
This morning, there were an informal social gathering of the human rights at Tsurugikita elementary school. Ms. Myo Su Kim who is a leader of "Fukuoka Chousenn Kamudann" and a singer, Mr. Yum Gi Kim to share about the prejudices and discriminations toward the Koreans in Japan which they experienced as they have grown up.

"Fukuoka Chousenn Kamudann" is organized by the 3rd. and 4th. generations of Koreans in Japan. They are Inheriting the traditional songs and dances of Korean Peninsula, and contributing to the friendly relations through their performances!

After the gathering, with the help of Nougata Human Rights Protection Commotion, we launched balloons with the seeds of sunflower which the students planted this year.