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15日目/ Day 15
カテゴリ:食 更新日:2015.10.31

It was fine day today. I had spent nice time in my favorite room of here. And I cooked soup by carrot and sweet potato which was made from this area.

in afternoon, I did artwork. I'm using straw for material.
in night, I had nice dinner time with Hanna and Hanna's friend who came from Korea. It was so nice.
絣工房見学 後編:かすり西原/Visiting the Kasuri workshop 2
カテゴリ:仕事 更新日:2015.10.28

I should write about Kasuri Nishihara workshop also.
Because Kasuri workshop gave me so much inspiration.
When I entered in it, There was so much sound from the weaving machine.

Usually when we think about machine factory, it seems product come out quickly.But here is totally different. Almost process need their hand. It can be say that hand work. Because They have to know condition of weaving every time, They have to maintenance for machine everyday.I felt worker's passion.It was very strict work.That's why they can make beauty. My heart moved.

Very historical machine never retired. It has been here with workers passion. Amazing!
顔見せ会/Welcome Meeting and artist talk
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.24

Time goes fast. It has been a week since I came here. Already I had so much experience. I'm going to write about it, but anyway I write about today's event.Last tuesday, My share mate came here. She is Korean Artist. Today We had party for introducing of our artwork.
朝から玄関に水まきも!お迎え準備完了!This is entrance of our house.

I told to people about my past work etc....
and My share mate is Hanna who is Korean Artist. She did also.
When we had listened about artwork from its artist. We can know more deeply. That's why it was good chance to become it.

I had cooked ODEN last night for today. We enjoyed to have it together.

Thank you for coming our event today. I was so happy!!
絣工房見学 前編:緒方絣工房/Visiting the Kasuri workshop 1
カテゴリ:仕事 更新日:2015.10.19

I visited to workshop of Kasuri. It is textile factory. Kasuri is one of the Japanese famous textile. Kurume Kasuri is certified as cultural Properties of Japan. It has 30 process until completion. very very strict work. It was amazing! In this artist program, I'm gonna use this material for my artwork. I'm so exciting! and I really felt tense. I have to think about it deeply.
Dye is indigo. Indigo is living in all the time. This is pot of Indigo.

Raw material ' SUKUMO'

This bubble looks like Indigo flower. So beautiful.
入居/1日目 First day
カテゴリ:住 更新日:2015.10.16

本日、筑後アート往来 レジデンスプログラムの為に、筑後市の筑後船小屋駅の近くの筑恋邸に入居しました。今日からこのブログを通して、日々の様子、プログラムの紹介をしていきます。今日は秋晴れでとても気持ちの良い日でした。筑恋邸の縁側にあるお部屋から差し込む日差しにほっこり。
Hello! I'm Takako Takeuchi. I'm an contemporary artist. Today I moved to Chikugo city for artist residency program. Here is countryside of Fukuoka. So nice location! I'm gonna introduce this program and my process of artwork and good point of chikugo city through this blog! This pic is my room which got a lot of sunshine today.

I was in Sweden one month ago. That's why I feel more Japanese atmosphere!