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カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.11.01
In the afternoon, we have stopped by "KURATE Gakien" This event happens at the Junior Highschool which was closed down early this year. During this event, whole school facility becomes one huge open space. Any spot becomes a studio/location for your photoshoots!!!
This was an innovative event, and even more exciting things will happen at KURATE Gakuen for sure!!!
In "Kurasuta" you can shoot with the projected digital image/footage as a background!
Stay tuned for the up coming events!!!
カテゴリ:遊び 更新日:2015.10.30
Tsurugidake is located in the center of Kurate Town. There are several roads and trekking paths toward the top where there is a ruins of castle and Yaysurugi Shrine. There are also many tables/chairs to have a nice lunch on the top with the panoramic view of Kurate!
It was a perfect day to be up here〜♬
カテゴリ:食 更新日:2015.10.30
ご近所さんに草刈り機をお借りし、初の草刈りに挑戦。そして先日、舟津さんの畑で収穫させていただいた安納芋を、焼き芋にしてみました! ホクホクで甘く、大成功でした〜♬
So, we have tried to mow the lawn with the machine! Then, we made some baked sweet potatoes (Thank you to Mr. Funatsu!!!) It was sooo good〜♬
カテゴリ:交流 更新日:2015.10.29
We had another fun day, yesterday〜♬ We visited Mr. Shimatate's house! There are hand built bamboo slide and huge swing off of a tree which make everyone feels like a child again!!! (If you are child, they will make you not want to grow up!!!)
それから車で出かけ、水巻町のコスモス畑と芦屋で開催中の「あしや砂像展2015」を見に行きました〜♬ 日差しが気持ち良い午後、どちらのイベントも大満喫してきました!!!
Then, we drove to the cosmos flower field in Mizumaki Town and also to see "Ashiya Sand Craft Exhibition 2015" The weather was so nice with the Sun, and we had great time at the both events!!!
This event started in 1995, and the sand sculptors were invited from all over the world every year, and we got to see their amazing pieces.
As we returned to Kurate, we stopped at Mr. Hidaka's house. There was a beautiful view of Kurate from his back yard (back mountain!)
Mr. Hidaka grow his own gourds in his garden, and take them into the process to have them ready for his art work. He uses various tools to engrave different delicate designs, and turn them into beautiful lamps.
They were all so so beautiful!!!
カテゴリ:仕事 更新日:2015.10.28
Since the beginning of our stay,
the warm and cheerful harts of local people have been our strongest impression of the town of Kurate.
In order for us to share this great charm of the town, we came up this idea 「The Hands of Kurate」
The working Hands of Locals.
The supporting Hands of Kurate.
第三回目ご登場いただく方は、浦 のぞみ(うら のぞみ)さん。
社会福祉法人 鞍手ゆたか福祉会
For the third time of 「The Hands of Kurate」 we would like to introduce Ms. Ura. She welcomed us with a smile even for our unexpected visit.
She was born and raised in Kurate, and she has been working about 3 years as a Chief of Komaki Work Center. "I love Kurate where we have a lot of nature around us!" says, Ms. Ura.
This Work Center was established 18 years ago to provide an environment for the people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy their lives through various working experiences and also to build up their confidence toward an independence.
こちらの大きな工房では、色々なクッキーやパンが皆さんの手で作られていて、できたてが購入できます! センター中の甘ぁ〜いにおいにつられ、ついつい沢山並んだ色々な味のクッキーへ手が伸びてしまいますよ〜♬
There is a large bakery inside of Komaki Work Center, and so many different types of cookies and pastries are baked daily! The store which is located right next to it is open for public, so all the hand baked goodies can be purchased fresh out of the oven!!!