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カテゴリ:仕事 更新日:2015.10.28
Since the beginning of our stay,
the warm and cheerful harts of local people have been our strongest impression of the town of Kurate.
In order for us to share this great charm of the town, we came up this idea 「The Hands of Kurate」
The working Hands of Locals.
The supporting Hands of Kurate.
第三回目ご登場いただく方は、浦 のぞみ(うら のぞみ)さん。
社会福祉法人 鞍手ゆたか福祉会
For the third time of 「The Hands of Kurate」 we would like to introduce Ms. Ura. She welcomed us with a smile even for our unexpected visit.
She was born and raised in Kurate, and she has been working about 3 years as a Chief of Komaki Work Center. "I love Kurate where we have a lot of nature around us!" says, Ms. Ura.
This Work Center was established 18 years ago to provide an environment for the people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy their lives through various working experiences and also to build up their confidence toward an independence.
こちらの大きな工房では、色々なクッキーやパンが皆さんの手で作られていて、できたてが購入できます! センター中の甘ぁ〜いにおいにつられ、ついつい沢山並んだ色々な味のクッキーへ手が伸びてしまいますよ〜♬
There is a large bakery inside of Komaki Work Center, and so many different types of cookies and pastries are baked daily! The store which is located right next to it is open for public, so all the hand baked goodies can be purchased fresh out of the oven!!!