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うどん屋 仁
カテゴリ:食 更新日:2015.11.02

ごぼう天うどんで有名なお店「うどん屋 仁」へ行ってみました。写真で見た限り、1本が結構な大きさだったので初挑戦の今夜は、3本入りのごぼう天うどんを注文。
We went to "Udonya Jin" which is famous for the Gobo (Burdock root) Tempra served with Udon noodle. The size of Tempra looked pretty big on the menu, so I ordered 3 with the Udon.
The opposit to it's looks, those Tempra was so tender, and easy to bite. Adding some gingers and red peppers, it was very delicious! The Kyushuu style of Udon was different from Tokyo, and they were much softer than what we are used to.

さらに、うどん屋 仁で見つけたのが「きらくソース」鞍手町商工会青年部によって復活したという、昭和40年代から続いていた「きらく食堂」の自家製ソースです(1本 : ¥420)
The another thing we found at Udonya Jin was "KIRAKU sauce" This is the original sauce from "KIRAKU restaurant" which was the local's favorite for almost 50 years! It was reproduced by Kurate's young association after 10 years since the restaurant closed.