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カテゴリ:仕事 更新日:2015.10.23
Since the beginning of our stay,
the warm and cheerful hearts of local people have been our strongest impression of the town of Kurate.
In order for us to share this great charm of the town, we came up with this idea. The title is... 「The Hands of Kurate」
The working Hands of Locals.
The supporting Hands of Kurate.
第一回目にご登場いただく方は、私たちも大変お世話になっている、嶋立 輝行(しまたて てるゆき)さん。
For the first time of 「The Hands of Kurate」 we would like to introduce Mr. Shimatate.
He came to Kurate as a police officer about 12 years ago, and he decided to continue to live after his retirement. Since then, he has been a part of local board of education, and also organizes monthly events for the local children through a group call 「Asobi no Mori-Kurate」